Routine Oral Cancer Screening - Win for the Patient and Win for the Practice
Presenter: Dr. Robert Convissar
Release Date: 11/20/19
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 11/20/28
AGD Subject Code: 730
Reviewed: 2025
One person every hour of every day dies from oral cancer. The five-year survival rate is less than 50/50. Why? Because we as profession do not do all we can to diagnose oral cancer at its earliest stage, when the five-year survival rate can be as high as 80%. With the current technology on the market today, there is no reason for a dentist to miss early diagnosis of a lesion. There are many excellent diagnostic tools to help dentists perform complete oral cancer exams. This is a service that has a specific ADA insurance code, and is covered by many (but not all) insurance carriers. Early diagnosis is a win for the patient (increased survival rate) and a double win for the practice through increased revenue from the oral cancer examination, and better yet, performing simple soft tissue biopsies that may be performed with instruments you already have in your office once a lesion is discovered.
Upon completion of this CE webinar, the participant will • Know how to perform a complete oral cancer examination using the latest technologies • Understand the technology of fluorescence visualization and how it leads to a more comprehensive oral cancer examination • Know how to perform, when to perform, and when to refer a biopsy. • Know the latest ADA insurance codes for billing oral cancer examinations
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