Epinephrine in Dentistry: Clinical and Safety Considerations
Presenter: Dr. David Isen
Release Date: 11/17/16
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 11/17/28
AGD Subject Code: 340
Reviewed: 2025
This CE webinar will explore the role that epinephrine plays in dentistry. Briefly, we will discuss how and why epinephrine should be stocked in dental offices to help manage certain medical emergencies. This webinar will also discuss why epinephrine is added to local anesthetic solutions and what the clinical advantages and disadvantages are when using epinephrine-containing solutions. Finally, we will discuss the maximum doses of epinephrine for healthy and cardiovascular compromised patients as well as drug interactions that clinicians should be aware of.
Upon completion of this CE webinar, the student will learn: • How to manage cardiac arrest, anaphylaxis and severe, life threatening, aerosol-resistant asthma using epinephrine • How various concentrations of epinephrine alter the duration of local anesthesia • How various concentrations of epinephrine change hemostasis • Epinephrine safety in cardiovascular compromised patients and those taking certain drugs that can potentiate epinephrine’s action on the cardiovascular system
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