Local Anesthesia - Maximize Success, Minimize Complications
Presenter: Dr. Stuart Lieblich
Release Date: 4/6/15
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 4/6/28
AGD Subject Code: 340
Reviewed: 2025
The administration of local anesthesia is of primary importance to most procedures in dental practice. Due to the routine nature of the procedure it can be overlooked as to ways to improve outcomes as well as minimize complications. Although there are multiple agents available a rationale approach to choices based on procedures, patient ages and medical interactions will be reviewed.
This CE webinar will review the current local anesthetic agents available for use and discuss indications for the various agents. Procedures to minimize discomfort of injection will be discussed. Anatomic and pharmacological failures will also be reviewed including a review of dealing with areas of acute infection. At the completion of the CE webinar the student will understand: • What factors are associated with pain on injection and how to minimize pain • Discuss the causes of failure of local anesthesia • Understand the specific medical contraindications or cautions with agents including appropriate use of vasoconstrictors. • Review the potential benefits of articaine for procedures
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